Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Parade

I had the pleasant opportunity to walk with current 60th District State Representative (and former Mayor of Kalamazoo) Robert B. Jones in Kalamazoo's Memorial Day parade on May 26th. Thanks to Mark Miller for snapping the image. For more photos from the parade, go to West Michigan Rising at: http://www.westmichiganrising.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=295

Friday, April 18, 2008

Cheapest Gas in Kalamazoo

From Department of the Not-Reinventing-the-Wheel:
I had a thought a while back to start a blog whereby people could let other motorists know where to find the best price of petrol in town. Lo, and behold, a quick google search revealed there already is such a site.

Of course, better alternatives include carpooling, taking the bus, telecommuting, riding a bike, or--heaven forbid--walking. I know I personally am guilty of driving to go get Martini's three blocks away. But for the time being, as filling our tanks is a necessary evil, here you can find the cheapest gas in Kalamazoo County.

Remember: If you're driving more than a few miles out of your way to save a few cents per gallon, it's--more or less--a wash.